CSFP Student Christopher


 Meet Christopher, a rising 6th grader at St. Martha Parrish School. Christopher is passionate about performing arts and spends his free time singing, dancing and acting. He is excited to begin his role as a student council representative next year and looks forward to mentoring younger students. His mother, Antoinette, attributes her son’s high academic performance and overall happiness to the challenging curriculum and supportive services at his school.


Q: What do you like to do for fun?
A: I  like to read, sing, dance, act, and write. I love musical theater. I also like to play outside and ride my bike. Sometimes I read a chapter of a book if I can’t fall asleep at night.

Q: What is your favorite subject at school? Why?
A: I love English langauge arts and writing. I love writing stories and using my imagination. I think that when I use my imagination I can accomplish anything I put my mind to.

Q: Who is your role model? Why?
A: My role model is Lin Manuel Miranda who wrote and performed in one of my favorite musicals, Hamilton. It’s about one of America’s founding fathers, Alexander Hamilton.

Q: What do you want to be when you grow up? Why?
A: I want to major in musical theater and become a writer. I love the performing arts and using my creativity to make projects.

Q: what are you looking forward to this school year?
A: I look forward to starting a new chapter in my life as a student council representative. I cannot wait to learn new things. I can’t wait to gain new knowledge and to use it for future conflicts. I am also looking forward to singing in my school choir, cantering and helping to mentor my younger schoolmates. 

Antionette, Christopher’s Mother 

Q:  What are your hopes for your child?
A: I hope for Christopher to continue to do his best and achieve his dreams. I want him to have the opportunity to get the best education in order to have a bright future doing what he loves.

Q: What makes your child’s school the best fit for him?
A: St. Martha Parrish School is an amazing school and offers the best education for Christopher. He simply enjoys the loving and helpful teachers who teach him several subjects, emphasizing religion. The school is a family where everyone fits in. Christopher always learns new things and loves being able to socialize with his friends, who he can relate to. It truly is a loving and safe place for a child to thrive. 

Q: Why do you think it is important for your child to attend a tuition-based school? Are there changes you have noticed?
A: I personally feel a tuition-based school is definitely worth it. Th class size is just right allowing the teachers to adequately provide the necessary support that a child might need. The curriculum is more rigorous and the students have access to specialized programs. The overall performance of the student is outstanding in a safe environment. 

Q: What were your thoughts when you won the CSFP lottery?
A: I was so excited when I got the call that we won the CSFP lottery. So thankful. My thoughts were “now my son will have a great education, and I will not have to worry about finances.”

Q: In what ways does this scholarship affect your family?
A: My family has been impacted positively since winning the CSFP lottery. I do not have to work long hours and can now spend quality time with my family. We have the opportunity to attend many CSFP sponsored events and spend time together bonding as a family. 

Q: What would you tell others who are looking to apply for a scholarship?
A: I will tell others who are looking to apply for a scholarship that it is well worth it. Your child’s education is such a powerful achievement and a scholarship will make the difference. I will also tell them to apply early and keep applying yearly until they win.