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Asil is a first grader at Lotus Academy who loves to read and hopes to be a train engineer when he grows up.


Q: What do you like to do for fun?
A: Read and play with my Nintendo Wii

Q: What is your favorite subject at school? Why?
A: Reading, because reading is important for everyone. When you read you can lead!

Q: Who is your role model? Why?
A: My mom, because she encourages me to learn and to get a good education. I want to grow up to be somebody.

Q: What do you want to be when you grow up? Why?
A: A train engineer, because I love trains and I enjoy working and fixing things with my hands.

Q: What are you looking forward to this school year?
A: Going on more class trips and helping my classmates when they need me.

Mecca, Asil’s mother

Q: What are your hopes for your child?
A: My hope for Asil is for him to become a good citizen, help other children that are less fortunate than him, and share his passion for reading with others. He reads at a third grade level in the first grade!

Q: What makes your child’s school a good fit for him/her?
A: Asil is very energetic and outgoing, and his love for school/reading is remarkable. He enjoys helping his classmates and encourages them to do well. He loves participating in Oratorical competitions and he specially enjoys learning to speak different languages.

Q: Why do you think it’s important for your child to attend a tuition-based school? Are there any changes you’ve noticed?
A: There are teachers from different countries who have exposed him to different cultures. Because it’s a small classroom setting, it gives more individual attention to the students.

Q: What were your thoughts when you were notified that you had won the CSFP scholarship lottery?
A: Extremely happy and excited! It brought tears to my eyes. 

Q: In what ways does this scholarship impact your family?
A: The financial support is such a great help to me and Asil. It enables me to send him to Lotus Academy.

Q: What would you tell others who are looking to apply for a scholarship?
A: To apply! As long as you meet the eligibility requirements, it’s financial support to help your child/children attend a great school.