News and Notes

CSFP Participates in Greater Philadelphia MLK Day of Service 2015

Jan 20, 2015

Children’s Scholarship Fund Philadelphia (CSFP) participated in two events this past weekend as part of the Global Citizen Greater Philadelphia Martin Luther King Day of Service. On Saturday, January 17, CSFP volunteers travelled throughout Philadelphia to distribute CSFP posters and new scholarship applications to local businesses to help spread the word about CSFP’s needs-based K-8th…

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News and Notes

A School Funding Formula for Philadelphia – Lessons From Urban Districts Across the United States

Jan 15, 2015

Having more money to spend is no guarantee of better student outcomes. Even so, how the funding formula and charter financing issues are resolved in Pennsylvania will go a long way toward determining how the School District of Philadelphia, which has been in near-constant crisis in recent years, fares in the years ahead.

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News and Notes

CSFP Supporters Join Staff for Multi-School Tour

Jan 15, 2015

CSFP supporter UGI Utilities, Inc., PA State Senator Anthony Williams, and PA State Representative Jordan Harris joined CSFP at several of our great partner schools on January 5. During the tours, visitors met students currently enrolled in CSFP’s scholarship program and experienced the small, caring communities at St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Gabriel, and the Philadelphia…

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News and Notes

CSFP’s 10th Annual Principals’ Meeting

Jan 14, 2015

On January 13, representatives from Children Scholarship Fund Philadelphia (CSFP)’s network of over 185 quality area schools gathered for CSFP’s 10th annual Principals’ Meeting. At the meeting, Children’s Scholarship Fund Philadelphia staff discussed the K-8th grade scholarship program guidelines and school evaluation processes with school representatives in attendance. The event also provided an opportunity for…

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News and Notes

School Vouchers Help Low – income Minority Students Earn a College Degree

Jan 7, 2015

A new study conducted by Matthew M. Chingos of the Brookings Institution and Paul E. Peterson of the Harvard Kennedy School finds that minority students who received a school voucher to attend private elementary schools in 1997 were, as of 2013, 10 percent more likely to enroll in college and 35 percent more likely than their peers in public school to obtain a bachelor’s degree.

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News and Notes

One City, Two Systems of Schools

Dec 1, 2014

For poor and minority students in Philadelphia, there really are two kinds of schools: those that work and those that don’t. Students who end up in the effective schools achieve significantly better outcomes. This variation in outcomes is not dependent on school type, student income levels, or other out-of-school factors. By expanding the “system” of effective schools, we can give more students access to a higher quality education.

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